Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hyde Park

A photograph of Hyde Park, taken by Alan. Or maybe Kensington Gardens. From January/February 2007 I think. Uploading the photograph was alright but then it obscured the date and title of the post, and that took a while to fix. It still seems quite hard to put empty lines in a post. Maybe something to do with the settings?


SoAndSo said...

When you say empty lines in a post, are you referring to spacing round a photo?

Easiest way to do this is to go into the 'Edit Html' tab, and position cursor outside the photo-html and enterenterenter whatever. Then flick back to 'Compose' to see how it looks.

If you're not familiar with html its the stuff in the '<>' brackets.

northcote pop league said...

Thanks! Yeah, space round a photo and between pieces of text. I can make the space by using "enter" and it looks fine in "Compose" but when I publish it to the blog the space isn't there. So I'm not sure.

SoAndSo said...

One of the frustrating things about Blogger..
'Compose' and 'Preview' and 'View' all look different. Which is mental, but there you go.

By the way, when you upload a photo, the position you chose -'left' 'right' 'centre' 'none' - affects what happens when you try to add in spacing afterwards..