Wednesday, August 13, 2008

(No subject)

I think I'm more likely to add the RSS feed of a website I like than I am to look for a website I'd like on the basis that it has a RSS feed. I may have failed to understand what Technorati does though. And it would be good to have some more practice at searching it. (And Topix etc.) It's advanced search is pretty detailed. You could probably just use it as a way to search blogs, apart from anything else.


S. Toogod Tobetrue said...

I find recommendations from sites I read are what give me the clue to look at a new site - and then I'll grab a feed if one's there.

I guess the concept behind Technorati is that it's aggregated recommendations. I may be demonstrating a degree of primitiveness, but if I don't feel a connection to the recommender (whether they be simply a blog/site I've been following) I don't value the recommendation.

The blog-reading cream just don't do it for me. I acknowledge that may be my problem.

northcote pop league said...

I agree about finding feeds. Technorati might be doing more than I think though. Would it be good as a blog search engine, for example? Perhaps exercise #9 will answer all of our questions.

S. Toogod Tobetrue said...
